I am an engineer (Stanford PhD Bioengineering, MS Electrical Engineering) with a deep understanding of the challenges in medical diagnostics, alongside a strong foundation in high throughput processing and algorithm development. I’m intrigued by approaches in drug-discovery, multi-modal data pipelines, and model development. I’m seeking a computational role where I can drive advancements in diagnostics or therapeutics.
With the ability to navigate both the intricacies of protein sciences and the math behind computational systems, I love being at the intersection of these fields. Throughout my PhD, I developed scalable computational pipelines, optimized biological assays, and explored how rational algorithms can greatly improve even the simplest medical diagnostics. From developing molecular quantification assays to navigating 100GB single-molecule TIRF imaging data, my work blends experimental science with cutting-edge computational tools.
I'm motived about finding creative ways to solve problems—whether it’s designing algorithms that can optimize experimental data or baking the perfect buttery layers of puff pastry (which also requires a fair amount of optimization). I’m looking for opportunities where I can bring this cross-disciplinary expertise to projects that push the boundaries of what it means to bring medicine to people.
If you’re working on something exciting in the healthcare space, I’d love to connect and explore how we can collaborate!
For a traditional resume, please download the file below.
Bioengineering PhD• 2023
Electrical Engineering MS• 2021
My thesis highlights and begins addressing some fundamental problems in scaling up the quantification of molecular biomarkers for medical diagnostics and health monitoring [1]. Particularly, many current solutions assume that the intrinsic affinity between the affinity reagent and the target are the limiting factor, or view background signal and noise as an annoying feature. Works between my collaborators and I take advantage of these aspects to provide more robust and scalable molecular quantification techniques including:
BigHat Biosciences • 07/22-09/22
Developed statistical and computational methods that highlighted importance of un-monitored data signal for antibody biophysics. Efficiently integrated signal into company-wide data science pipeline and machine learning infrastructure. Proposed in-silico antibody designs with expected improvement in specified antibody characteristic.
Molecular Information Systems Lab (MISL), School of Computer Science and Engineering • 08/16 - 08/17
Spearheaded wet lab automation device (PurpleDrop) for DNA data storage. More general information on PurpleDrop and its spinout projects since its inception can be explored on the MISL webpage . News piece on work in Nature Communications 2019.
IMTEK, Freiburg, Germany • 2015-2016
Stress mitigation in thin film electrodes for neuroprosthetics. News article on proposed work and follow up describing Fulbright experience.
Bioengineering BS, BioRobotics Lab • 2015
Analyzing Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for real-time myoelectric control of prosthetics and creating algorithm for robotic sensory feedback mapping (ROS, Linux). Developed 3D tissue models for auricular reconstruction surgical practice. Publication and News article .
Inspirit AI, Stanford and Mumbai, India • 05/2019-Present
Teaching and helping develop project based curriculum to introduce modern artificial intelligence to high school students in multi-week intensive course. Basic curriculum develops from linear and logistic regression, building up to KNNs, NLP, and CNNs via socially impactful projects. Advanced curriculum delves into Healthcare focused AI with more advanced algorithms such as GNNs and saliency maps. Also lead discussions on ethical and societal implications of AI, with focuses on India--our pilot location.
Stanford University • 09/2020-12/2020
Reshaped graduate BIOC 241 course w/ Rhiju Das for Online Learning. Flipped classroom, developed, and led synchronous section. Topics covered include: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of macromolecular folding, kinetics of enzymatic processes, and bistable systems using fixed point analysis.
Stanford University • 09/2019-12/2019
Taught BIOE101/201 Introduction to Systems Biology. Led recitations, wrote and graded homeworks and exams, held office hours.
Stanford University • 11/2018-03/2019
Taught and revamped curriculum for EE 235, Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. Led lab modules with two other TAs. Topics include restriction enzymes, immunoassays, bacterial transformation, and sequencing. Instigated and taught mini-lectures during down time ranging from DNA/protein structure and dynamics to details on Nanopore sequencing.
Stanford Graduate Fellowship (SGF) • 2017-Present
Graduate Research Fellowship, NSF • 2019-Present
Whitaker International Fellow, Whitaker International • 2015-2016
U.S. Student Fulbright Scholar, Fulbright • 2015-2016
For the most up-to-date catalog of publications, please visit my ORCiD account
Newman, S.S. , et al. Multiplexed Assay for Small-Molecule Quantification via Photo-cross-linking of Structure Switching Aptamers ACS Omega (2024).
Park, C.H, Thompson A.P, Newman, S.S. et al. Real‐Time Spatiotemporal Measurement of Extracellular Signaling Molecules Using an Aptamer Switch‐Conjugated Hydrogel Matrix Advanced Materials 36 (4), 2306704 (2024).
Newman, S.S.* , Hein, L.* et al. Theoretical framework and experimental validation of multiplexed analyte quantification using cross-reactive affinity reagents. bioarxiv pre-print (2023).
Newman, S.S.* , Wilson, B*, Mamerow, D* et al. Extending the dynamic range of biomarker quantification through molecular equalization Nature Communications. 14 (1), 4192 (2023).
Hariri, A.A.*, Newman, S.S.* , Tan, S.* et al. Improved immunoassay sensitivity and specificity using single-molecule colocalization. Nat Comm 13, 5359 (2022).
Newman S. , Stephenson A., Willsey M., Nguyen B., Takahashi C., Strauss K., Ceze L., ‘Hierarchical DNA Storage Library with Digital Microfluidics Retrieval’. Nature Communications 2019, 10 1706.
Ceze L., Strauss K., Stephenson A., Newman S., Willsey M., Ngyuen B., Takahashi C. ‘Hierarchical DNA Storage Library with Digital Microfluidics Retrieval’. Filed 03/01/2019. Patent Pending.
Willsey M., Stephenson A., Takahashi C., Vaid P., Nguyen B., Piszczek M., Betts C., Newman S., Joshi S., Strauss K., Ceze L., Puddle: A Dynamic, Error-Correcting, Full-Stack Microfluidics Platform. ASPLOS ’19, April 13–17, 2019
Čvančara P., Newman S., Stieglitz T., ‘3D Patterned Thin-Film Electrodes for Neural Prosthetics—Proof of Concept’ IEEE NER ‘19"
Organick L., Ang S., Chen Y., Lopez R., Yekhanin S., Makarychev K., Racz M., Kamath G., Gopalan P., Nguyen B., Takahashi C., Newman S., Parker H., Rashtchian C., Stewart K., Gupta G., Carlson R., Mulligan J., Carmean D., Seelig G., Ceze L., Strauss K., ‘Random access in large-scale DNA data storage’ Nature Biotechnology 2017. 26, 242-248.
Berens, A., Newman, S., Bhrany A., Murakami C., Sie K., Zopf D., 'Computer-Aided Design and 3D Printing to Produce a Costal Cartilage Model for Simulation of Auricular Reconstruction’, Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery , 2016, Vol.155(2), pp.356-359
Newman S.S., Hein L. et al. 'Multiplexed Analyte Quantification with Cross-Reactive Affinity Reagents. DNA 29 (2023)
Newman S.S., et al. 'Tuning Mechanisms for Simultaneous Quantification of fM and high nM Proteins' Gordon Research Conference, Bioanalytical sensors. Best Poster Prize. (2022)
Newman S., , Chen, R., Noyola, T., ‘Prediction of partially structured DNA aptamer libraries’, Stanford CS221 Project. (2019).
Newman S., Persson, T., ‘White Blood Cell Differential Counting in Blood Smears via Tiny YOLO’, Stanford CS230 Project. (2018).